Friday, August 29, 2014

adobe illustrator projects

This is our first project in AI. First we had to make a pencil and can following the instructions given. Then we made a pencil and can on our own. After that we had to make two complimentary items. I made a bracelet and a jar of beads. Three takeaways were how to color on illustrator, how colors work together, and how to put many shapes together.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bounce animation

This is the first animation I did for Animation 1 class. We used photoshop to make a simple ball, and bounce it. First, I put simple key frames in on photoshop to make the ball bounce, then brought it into After Effects. There, I made it squash and stretch, which is when it squashes a tiny bit when landing and stretches a bit when going back into the air. I also made the movements more fluid. I learned and applied laws of physics to this project. I don’t think there is anything I would really change next time, as it was a starter project. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Is Graphic Design

Graphic design is a way to advertise something; wether it be you, a product, a business, or anything else. Graphic design is used everywhere. Graphic design ranges from logos to architecture. It can make spaces interesting. Graphic design uses color, tile, light, text, and decoration to do this. Always do what you think is good first, then work through requirements. Make it mean something to people.