Tuesday, December 16, 2014


This is my "Fall" Clipping mask. I used flowers for my name because flowers are pretty and I'm pretty. I uses the clouds because it blends well with the letters.

This is my clipping mask post card. I themed it around Madoka Magica. I used each character for the letters. I used a background from the show for the back. I put the text as "Queen" because the magical girls are prefect and flawless.

This is my "Hawaii" post card. My theme was people I like (and a plane). The text says "More than one waif can ruin your laifu". People featured are Lemon, Cookie, Oliver, Onion, A Plane, Mio, Marina, Kyray, Mami, and my date friend Lee B)

Monday, December 8, 2014

I Scream for Ice Cream!!!

In this assignment we had to use the 3d modeling platform Maya to make ice cream. The elements needed were A cone with two scoops of ice cream and the stand, a bowl with three scoops of ice cream, an ice cream scoop, a table, and two planes to make look like a wall. The hardest part, in my opinion, was either making the scoop or applying the wood texture to the table. The scoop was hard to align all together, and make look a decent size. The table gave me the most difficult time. The texture had so many components that it was hard getting it to look perfect. I finally settled with what I have now. In the future that is the first thing I'd fix.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Animation Story

This is my original character design. I used basic designs, because I wanted to go more in depth with them once I pulled them up to the computer. I endued up using the same shirt for everyone, because the other two were weird looking.

This is my photoshop character design. I had a lot of fun doing this. Honestly I spent the majority of my time on it. I pulled some designs from my sketch books for their shirts. One problem I ran into was when I tried to save the file at the end of an hour, and photoshop ran into an error of some kind. All I had to do was rename the file to fix it.  Following this photo is my guitar and drum designs. I hand drew the drums, but for the guitar I used a photo to draw it. The main problem with the guitar was formatting the strings & such to look realistic. I think I did pretty well.

This is my finished animation. The hardest part about this was making it look like they were practicing. If I go back through I will defiantly add sound, and fix up walk cycles. I had trouble with they cycles at first, because pins kept going places I didn't want.

Madoka and a mountan

This is our floating mountain project. It was pretty easy to follow the directions. I think the hardest part was adding the tip and getting rid of the water in front.  I really liked bringing the cloud up, so i did it a few times. To personalize it, I added Madoka Kaneme and Kyubey from Madoka Magica. pls make contract 2 become magical girl ty.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is that supposed to insult me?

I was bored so I made this thing. Its Oliver Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. She is a queen. The photo is supposed to represent how using 'girl' as an insult is dumb, because girls are just as good as boys.



 This is my Illustrator ball. I made a circle without a fill or stroke, then added a gradient while the ball was selected. For the gradient I used white, a light grey, a red, and a darker red. The shadow is a gradient of black, grey, white, and transparent. The sky is blue and transparent, and the grass is just a solid green.
This is my Photoshop sphere. I made it more pink than red. The ball has two layers, the main color and the shadow. I pretty much did the same thing I did with the Illustrator ball.

This is my PS tutorial ball. I did a Billiard ball. One part I had trouble with the shine just below the number. I solved it by, instead of feathering, making a gradient white circle and making it transparent. To make it my own, I made the ball green, with the classic 6 instead of the black 8 in the tutorial. Tutorial link.
This is my AI tutorial ball. It is a disco ball. I didn't really have any troubles with it. I used a few different colors of blues for the coloring, and a gradient white & black screen circle to make that shine, though it did not turn out well. Tutorial Link.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Personal logo

This is my logo sketch. I sort of stuck to one design with the D, S, and P. D is for my first name Danielle, S is for my last name Sleigh, and P is for my nick name, Pastel. I also just learned how to do that star. I really like it.

This is my art board. I tried a few more designs, including a heart with a lions made. I liked the star with the DSP and a lot of the sketches on the first board. I still went for the dap.

This is my final choice for my logo. It is the D and the P inside the S. The font is simple, and fits together, like my personality. The color is pastel pink, a somewhat elegant color. I really like it because its cute.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


This is my multi-plane animation. I learned how to move the layers apropriatly to different distances. I think that the back layers move somewhat fast, and that is something I will fix if I ever get time. I enjoyed this project a lot.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Font tutorial

This is my font tutorial. I had trouble tracing once I got all the brush styles combined. It did not curve well. I would like to learn how to make it curve better so it would look good.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About the Google Logo.

The original google font was created in 1998 The font used was bakersfeild bold. It was held from September to October. The second logo added the "!" in November 1998 and lasted to May 1999. On May 31st, they took out the "!", added "tm", gave the text a shadow, and made it thiner. It kept the same 3D effect. This change stayed all the way until May 5th, 2010. On May 6th, they removed both the trademark and shadow, though keeping all previous added things. This changed on September 18th, 2013. They only made a minor change to the current logo, removing most of the 3d effect, and rounding out the shapes.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Character Walk

This is the character I used for my character animation. A lot of editing was done to her in photo shop. She is an alien version of myself. I designed her to be a simple character, that doesn't stand out too much. 
Here is my animation time line. My main issue was keeping the legs from popping out of her body, i.e; staying under the skirt. Then I had to put that animation in the new one, and connect her legs and body. I positioned the body on the right of the screen and put in the key frame. then I moved the scrubber to the end, and moved my character to the left. It added a key frame.

This is my character animation. I learned about scanning and fixing drawings  from photo shop, working with timing, and copying key frames. My biggest issue was getting my characters legs to keep from poking out on the sides as they circled. If I could change anything, it would be the cycle of the legs. I think they go a little too high. I am pretty proud of my animation.

This is my updated walk cycle. I added a background, and made her less tilted. I enjoyed using different brushes to make a new world, never seen before.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Font Diagram

In this project we had to find a font that best suits us. I got Rogue Script. Next we had to diagram parts of the font. This project is actually really easy in my opinion because the style makes things more visable. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Worm Cycle

This is my inch worm. In this project we had to animate a worm moving across the screen. We used the puppet tool to get the worm to change its shape and bend, then put that animation into a new one, where we had it inch across the screen. We used photoshop to make the grass and the worm.

Friday, August 29, 2014

adobe illustrator projects

This is our first project in AI. First we had to make a pencil and can following the instructions given. Then we made a pencil and can on our own. After that we had to make two complimentary items. I made a bracelet and a jar of beads. Three takeaways were how to color on illustrator, how colors work together, and how to put many shapes together.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bounce animation

This is the first animation I did for Animation 1 class. We used photoshop to make a simple ball, and bounce it. First, I put simple key frames in on photoshop to make the ball bounce, then brought it into After Effects. There, I made it squash and stretch, which is when it squashes a tiny bit when landing and stretches a bit when going back into the air. I also made the movements more fluid. I learned and applied laws of physics to this project. I don’t think there is anything I would really change next time, as it was a starter project. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Is Graphic Design

Graphic design is a way to advertise something; wether it be you, a product, a business, or anything else. Graphic design is used everywhere. Graphic design ranges from logos to architecture. It can make spaces interesting. Graphic design uses color, tile, light, text, and decoration to do this. Always do what you think is good first, then work through requirements. Make it mean something to people.